Monday, October 11, 2010

Sibling rivalries

          A few monikers come to mind when I read about these people, some would call them "terms of endearment." For instance, while I was patrolling the streets of Brooklyn we used the term "dirt bag," some would say "rednecks" or, like where I live in Vermont, the term "woodchuck" would be used. But, my wife quickly scolded me because in certain parts of this state, it is a term of endearment. Sorry honey, but it is derogatory, not a nice termWhere I grew up in Inwood, Long island we used to be called "Bay Rats" or "mud ducks" because of the proximity to the bay and our usual debauchery and lack of the finer things.

         Anyhoo, I'll use "Dirt Bags." These dirt bags, Jacobs kids, were herders. Not very good at it according to Joseph, the second youngest and Jacob's favorite. The brothers despised Joseph for the favored status of the father. Matter of fact, Joseph made a special multicolored jacket for him of the finest materials.  The brothers did not have a kind thing to say about Joseph...ever! Joseph would rat on his brothers about their poor work ethics to dad.  Joseph was also a dreamer, he once dreamt that his sheaf (like a round hay bale) stood up on its own and his brothers' sheafs bowed down to it.

          You little turd. They were like, if you think we will bow to you you have another think coming. This pissed them off. But, when Joseph told him that in his last dream the sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to him, they had enough. They hated him for it.

         What we don't know here is if Joseph was was one of those snot nose arrogant type of spoiled kids who you want to smack about the head and body just because. But we will take it like the brothers are the "dirt bags"

       Jacob says to Joseph one day, "BOY! Why don't you go on out and see what your brothers are doing?  Then report back to me."  Joseph did.  The brothers saw him coming and plotted his death. Like I said, "Dirt Bags." Only one brother, Reuben, wanted no part of this and tried to help. Reuben came up with a plan to throw him down a cistern (well) so he can return later and save him. They agreed to toss him down the well and leave him. They did not want to shed their own kins blood. They grabbed Joseph, took his robe, tied him up, then threw him down the well.

     Nice guys huh? They decide to sit by the cistern and eat. While they are drinking Budweiser and nibbling on goat cheese doodles (Dirt Bags love Bud) a band of traveling Ishmaelites come traipsing by. Judah has this big idea, "Hey, let's sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites." They agree. Better than killing him and we'll never see him again. So for 20 shekels of silver, Joseph is sold.... Then he is later sold in Egypt to the Pharaohs Captain of the Guard, Potiphar. Sucks don't it! But it  works out for Joseph, a later blog.  Not so for Judah, the next blog.

       The brothers killed a goat, splattered the multicolored robe with the blood, and told Jacob Joseph was eaten by wild animals. Jacob believed them and mourned. Oh he also tore his clothes. I forgot that Reuben also tore his clothes when he found out what happened to Joseph. Whats with the tearing of  clothes? maybe we will get the meaning later.

1 comment:

  1. " have another think coming". Nice! You used the proper "think" rather than "thing" like the Judas Priest song.
