Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Abraha, Sarah, Ishmael and Issac

          Now after all the begetting and go forth and procreating we come to Abram - Abraham.  There is no question of his fear of the Lord or faith in the lord whatever you prefer, for he almost sishkabobed his son Issac after the lord told him to do so. If not for an angel who at the last second said "Whoa! Just kidding". We will get back to that.

The question is why does the Lord have so much favor on such persons? Pre-Isaac, Abraham marries his niece Sarah, but along his travels from his homeland, Ur, today's Iraq, he is not very honest. He twice tells two separate kings in lands he is squatting in that Sarah is his sister so the kings won't kill him? Why would they want him dead in the first place? Anyhoo, the Lord sees that these kings have Abraham's wife and does horrible things to them, their lands, and their people. These kings say "What the hell? Why would you do such a thing?" so they pay him off with goods and livestock and tell Abraham to skedaddle. 

           Now Sarah has been barren and Abraham has been promised by the Lord that his kin will prosper and fill the land like sand on the beach. He is about 90 yrs old and Sarah knows the Lord's prophesies so she says "take Hagar my maidservant, and go forth and be fruitful". So he does, and she bears Ishmael. 
Abraham's nephew, Lot, has been tagging along and gets into a few scuffles and they part and Lot settles near Sodom and Gomorrah. These three visitors come and visit Abraham and they turn out to be the Lord and two of his henchman, (ahem) I mean angels. He tells Abraham he is not happy about the crazy Sodom and Gomorrahians and their swinging ways. Abraham has the Lord make a deal if he finds one person who is worthy of the Lord's benevolence he will save them. Guess what? He did not find a soul. Poor bastards.
          So Abraham, he has the henchmen, I mean Angels, warn Lott and his family and gives him time to exit the area. But the caveat is no looking back! The dumb sons of  bitches from town found out that Lot had visitors and stormed Lot's home.  The sickos wanted to have sex with them. Did not fare well for them did it?

         His wife can't resist and looks back and is now a salt pile some where in Jordan. You know the rest. With no eligible bachelors around, Lot's daughters get restless and get him drunk and have their way with him and get themselves knocked up by their dad. It's in the book!

          Back to Abraham- During the visit the lord tells Abraham he will have a son with Sarah. They do. And at the ripe old age of 90, Sarah has Issac.  Oh yea, I forgot. Abraham and Ishmael were the first two to get circumcised, this was a covenant they made with the Lord. And we circumcised males have suffered the few extra minutes of loving since.  

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