OK. This is the first time I am attempting something like this so bare/bear with the grammar. Should have looked at the chalk board in PS#2 school instead of the back of that pretty dark headed girl in front of me. A problem that continues to this day.
In the beginning?
Those must have been long days? Your telling me in twenty four hours the land produced vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees. It takes a little longer to just produce a tomato in my garden and that's using Miracle grow.
Day Four, the waters are filled with fishes
Day five we're already separating livestock from wild animals, when did the whole domestication process start?
Day six comes Adam, Adam could not find a suitable helper amongst the creatures so now we have find him one. why not just pick up some more dust and make another person. Why take a rib and make woman from it? We want our rib back! Remember ladies for not man there could not be you.
You ladies are getting a bad rap with the whole forbidden fruit saga. Adam was told not to eat from the tree of life, He knew something bad would happen.
.Own up Adam you knew!
Pay attention when you get to chapter 2 because the same events happen in a different order.