Thursday, September 23, 2010

Im On a Boat!

I’m on a boat!

       At 500 yrs of age Noah fathers Shem, Ham and Japheth!!!!           

          So, the lord is not happy with his evil wicked people, and is going to wipe the slate clean. But he finds Noah, at around 600 years of age, to be a righteous man, blameless amongst the people of his time.  Noah is in his favor, good thing Cain is not around.  Noah is advised of God's plan and God advises Noah to build a boat (ARK).  He gives Noah specific measurements: 450’ long by 75’ wide by 45’ high.  Bigger than a destroyer, but smaller than an aircraft carrier.
          [These measurements were put to the test by some very smart people, a Dr. Henry Morris in 1971 and a David Collins in 1977. They concluded the Ark would have been stable and would have been sea worthy, more stable than modern ships due to the fact that Noah wasn’t worried about getting anywhere in a hurry. That gets into hull design for which I haven’t a clue. ]

        So we know the ark is capable.

        God tells Noah how to build the interior and who his passengers will be: 7 of every kind of clean animal (Clean animal? Shouldn’t  they all be clean, who wants a dirty animal in a cramped space for an unknown length of time?) a male and it's mate,  and 2 of every type of unclean animal, a male and its mate. 7 pair of all the birds (that’s going to be a lot of poo) and Noah’s family.

 Plus food for the trip. 

The manifest was changed from the original two of each seven days prior to departure.

            Now Noah is 600 yrs old when the rains come and for 40 days and nights the flood waters came.  Can you imagine the stench inside that sealed ark? What about the sanitary issues. How the heck did they get rid of all the crap?  I'm sure more than one person got sea sick. There was only one window, which by the way was “SEALED!”
That is a small space for all the species of the world. What did the Unicorn do to not get invited?

Then the rain stopped, but the ark was floating around for another 150 days! Hence the need for stability, not forward speed because they didn’t really have anywhere to go.  That gave time for all the evil nasty creatures whom breathed life from its nostrils to die and become food for the fishes. (Heard there is a story of a guy later on who swims with a whale.)

            So the Ark finally lands in the mountains of Ararat, but they're still locked in for a few more months. Oh my!

             So he sends a raven out to survey the situation for a while, then a dove is sent out a few times until a dove comes back with a fresh olive leaf. Time to go!

All totaled, about a year locked up with all the nastiness.  God gives the all clear sign, and Noah and family are to start anew.

God says he won’t do that again, even though he knows there is evil in man's heart from childhood. (Just ask any parent of a toddler) Noah is told to go forth and be fruitful and increase in 601 years old! Go forth and be fruitful!

A pact is made with Noah and family, everything that lives and moves will be food for you.  But, make sure the animals don’t have their lifeblood when you eat them.  

God made a rainbow as a sign of his pact between them. Wonder if there is a pot of gold?

Noah lives to be 950 years old.
The world is re-populating. Here we go again?

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